Important Notice: Please only complete the form below if you are a family member looking to Hire the Services of one of our experienced Au Pairs.

If you are a Candidate, wishing to Apply to be an Au Pair, please fill in the form located here only.

    Section A: Family details
    Full Name: *
    Primary Day-time Contact No.: *
    Language Spoken at Home: *
    Email: *
    Suburb and Province: *
    Section B: Child/children`s details

    Please provide the ages and grades of your children.

    If applicable, please detail any special needs / remedial requirements.

    Section C: Au Pair Working Hours

    Please specify the exact days and times your au pair is required to work.

    Section D: Employment Details
    Employment Start Date
    Monthly Salary Offered
    Employment Contract Period
    Petrol Reimbursement

    Au Pair Duties

    Section D: Preferences & Requirements

    If you have any preferences for your candidate e.g. age, experience, qualifications, personality type etc. please do list that here.

    Section E: Submit Application
    Where did you hear about Au Pair Extraordinaire?