aupair holding child's hand

Have You Thought About Childcare for the New Year Yet?

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye, and many of us have the privilege of enjoying a lovely summer’s break for a couple of days to allow us to recharge for the year ahead. However, you also want to start the new year being well prepared, so before you relax too much, have you thought about – and provisioned for – childcare for the new year yet?


Why Do You Need Childcare For The New Year?

As a parent, you know all about how challenging it could be to juggle raising children, maintaining your career, and looking after your own health and social life. Modern life places many demands on us, and it is completely impractical trying to take care of everything yourself. A professional childminder can help you with:

  • Providing companionship, nurture, care, and stimulation for your children
  • Fetching your children from school and taking them to extramural activities
  • Supervising and assisting with homework and school projects
  • Running errands
  • Babysitting


While this is not a comprehensive list, you can already see the benefit of a helping hand of this nature.


What Types Of Childcare Might You Need For The New Year?

The needs of every family differ, and there are different types of childminders to meet each of these needs:

  • Au Pair – An au pair is a professional childminder that forms a more permanent part of your family. They are there to provide nurture and guidance to your child and become an extension of you as a parent within the household.
  • Tutor – Tutors are specifically there to help your child with certain school subjects. They can help them overcome possible difficulties and excel in their studies. Tutors are not babysitters and should not be treated as such.
  • Babysitter – We all need an evening off, but the safety of our children comes first. Instead of taking your chances on a stranger, why not build a relationship with a trusted babysitter that you can use over and over again to look after your children when necessary?


Where To Find The Best Childcare For The New Year?

Whatever the needs of your family are, AuPair Extraordinaire can help you find the perfect childminder for your family. We are a trusted and reliable agency who carefully screens candidates and successfully places au pairs, babysitters, and tutors with host families. Feel free to contact us to find out more about our services, and to talk to us about your childcare needs for the new year.