Activities for all developmental stages of children

How to Get My Child Off the iPad and Playing Outside

How to Get My Child off the iPad And Playing Outside Technology certainly has its advances. It allows us to stay in contact with people far and near, to share experiences, and also to perform certain functions at work and home a lot easier. It has also completely changed the kids’ play landscapes all over…

Become An Au Pair

How Our Au Pair Hiring Process Works

How Our Au Pair Hiring Process Works If you are looking for a position as an au pair in South Africa, we can help! At AuPair Extraordinaire, we specialise in connecting au pairs with families, and we take care of many important details in the process. Because the people we appoint are responsible for the…

How much flexibility can I expect from an au pair?

Why Do You Want to Be an Au Pair?

Why Do You Want to Be an Au Pair?   If you are an au pair, this is probably one of the questions you are asked most frequently: “Why do you want to be one?” For some, the answer could be very easy to answer, and for others not. The fact is, once you are…