potential child predator

Tips to Keep Children Safe from Predators

7 Tips to Keep Children Safe from Predators   It is probably every parent’s greatest fear: that our children will be abducted or be harmed by a nefarious predator. The mere thought of it is enough to send chills down one’s spine and to turn one into a dreaded helicopter parent. But apart from the…

au pair and young vild in arms

Au Pair Hire Cape Town

When Only the Best Au Pair Hire in Cape Town Will Do   As most mothers will attest, nothing on earth is more precious than our children. These bundles of joy bring light to our lives and we will do anything to give them the best life possible. Yet, to look after our family, we…

private tutor teaching a child

Private Tutor

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Private Tutor?   At AuPair Extraordinaire, we pride ourselves in matching the perfect au pair, private tutor, and babysitter candidates to the right families to create a healthy, happy, and nurturing environment for the children. Because of our commitment to the wellbeing of the children and…